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Forum held in Tokyo to boost China-Japan people-to-people exchanges

TOKYO, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) — Around 60 experts and scholars from China and Japan gathered at a forum in Tokyo on Monday to discuss how to boost people-to-people exchanges and foster cultural understanding between the two countries.
The forum, co-hosted by the China Foundation for Human Rights Development and the Japan-China Friendship Center, covered topics such as Sino-Japanese relations in a globalized world and the role of youth in fostering cultural understanding between the two nations.
Qin Liang, deputy secretary-general of the China Foundation for Human Rights Development, emphasized that the foundation of Sino-Japanese friendship lies in people-to-people exchanges, and mutual understanding is key to improving bilateral relations.
Former Japanese ambassador to China Yuji Miyamoto expressed hope that the forum would serve as a platform for further dialogue and help resolve issues between the two nations.
The forum was supported by the Chinese Embassy in Japan, with Minister Shi Yong underscoring the importance of deepening cultural cooperation to improve understanding.
Ahead of the forum, the Chinese delegation visited various Japanese social organizations, universities, and media institutions. ■
